Eduardo Ruman (In Memoriam)
Administrativo e Empreendedor
Denise Ruman
MTB - 0086489
The Biggest and Best International Newspaper for World Peace
Founder, President And International General Chief-Director / Fundadora, Presidente e Diretora Geral Internacional :  Denise Ruman - MTB: 0086489 / SP-BRAZIL
Local Chief-Director - Brazil / Diretora-Chefe Local - Brasil :  Denise Ruman
Mentor do Jornal / Mentor of the Newspaper  :  José Cardoso Salvador (in memoriam)
Mentor-Director / Mentor-Director  :  Mahavátar Babají (in memoriam)

Política Internacional / 19/01/2018


Francesco Paolo Scarciolla Del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola - A great Brother to PEACE IN THE WORLD - Partner OF PACIFIST JORNAL - ITALY

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Francesco Paolo Scarciolla Del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola - A great Brother to PEACE IN THE WORLD - Partner OF PACIFIST JORNAL - ITALY

Fonte Francesco Paolo Scarciolla Del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola - A great Brother to PEACE IN THE WORLD - Partner OF PACIFIST JORNAL - ITALY
  • Francesco Paolo Scarciolla Del Gavatino di Torre


    • Ambasciatore for Peace and humanity AWUARD 2017 · 2017 to date · Itala
      Honorary member
    • HMI Chief (Peace & Human Rights) Italy) · 2017 to date · Itala
    • Ambassador-at-Large · 10 March 2017 to date · Matera
      The Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (BC) is a Worldwide, non-profit, charitable, non-governmental, politically and religiously neutral humanitarian response agency involved in disaster response, first response, search and rescue, lifeguarding, frontline activism, advocacy and skills-sharing organisation
    • Ambassador-at-Large · April 2016 to date · Matera
      Empress Shebah ‘Ra - Queen Shebah III, Imperial Matriarch and Queen of the Nubian Nations and descendent East-African Nubians Nation of Nubia-Sheba Nubian Kingdoms, Imperial Matriarch of the Asere-Asasi House, Queen of the Nubian Throne of the Royal Kingdom of Pinango AND Abron, Grand Matriarch of the Throne of Gomoa-Akyemfo, Queen of Nubian KasAmbu Nation: the NUBIAN Queen hereby confirm the appointment of: Francesco Paolo Scarciolla del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola as Crown with responsibility as Crown Royal Council of the Throne for Humanitarian and Development Affairs
      Her Imperial Majesty’s direct representative for European Nations Representative
      It is henceforth also decreed that the formal title of Ambassador Francesco Paolo Scarciolla del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola of birth Italy in accordance to protocol of traditions of recognition of Royal Bloodlines and in particular of such a post of confidence of Crown Royal Government to the Throne of Sheba Nubian Nations for the Nubian Kingdoms Nations of the African Continent.
      In accordance to his posting confirmation, elevation, and its certification, in that accord recognition and decreed hereafter shall be formally addressed and acknowledged as a Crown Representative as:
      Her Majesty Throne Ambassador Francesco Paolo Scarciolla del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola of the Royal Court of Sheba Ambassadorial Council in full formal thus in honour and with respect:
      And Throne HE Ambassador Francesco Paolo Scarciolla the Spanish Torre Gavatino in short formal.
    • Secretary General of the World Peace Committee to Coordinating of the Representative at 202 Countries around the World. · De 2013 até o momento · Jacarta
      Work with the President of the World Peace his Excellency Djuyoto Suntani
    • International President of the SPMUDA and brother of the Governor International Humanitarian Noble Academy-IHUNA · De outubro de 2011 até or moment
    • Ambasciatore for Peace and humanity AWUARD 2017 · Itala
    • GOVERNOR FOUNDER · Matera The association purpose is addressed particularly to the disadvantaged, with a strong focus on themes of childhood, adolescence, human rights, contributes to the prevention of social problems, fosters social and labor inclusion, equal opportunities, sustainable time, reconciling work-family.
      The Academy IHUNA also will perform ancillary activities that are considered integrative and functional development of the institutional activity of social solidarity, to the extent permitted by the law of the country of riferimento.Possono be members of the Academy IHUNA all those who have completed their 18 years of age, without distinction of sex, race, nationality, religion and ideas, as well as companies and Italian and foreign institutions, sharing the spirit and ideals, intend to commit yourself to achieve the purposes set out in this Statute.
      The associative relationship and associative Rules are designed to ensure the effectiveness of the same combination and, therefore, participation in community life will not be temporary.
      The companies, public and / or private organizations involved in the person of a representative.
      Members are divided into six categories: "Founders" ordinary members "," Honorary Members "," Sustaining Members "," Members deserving "and" Members Sympathizers ".
    • AFRICAN-CHILD Projects [ACP] --IGO - NGO-- [Voluntary, Non-Profit, Inter-Governmental] ----------------WHC Endorsement
    • The eternal peace: A harmonious civilization as a society of conscious harmonious sphere classes of the population on our planet. The eternal peace is: A harmonious civilization as society of conscious harmonious sphere classes of the population on our planet.
    • Ambassador Italy end Vatican
      World Peace and Security Organ WPO UN Parliament observer Internãogovernamental.

      World Parliament security and peace observer Internãogovernamental WPO Organ of the United Nations, was created in Eco 92, Rio de Janeiro, participating NGOs need a voice and not be pawns of the heads of States, because today the world NGOS are the main and most powerful force of the third sector.

      The basis of the international Parliament for safety and peace is the defense of all cities in the world and the security of Nations to ensure international public law and private law. All States wishing to participate in the Parliament should maintain a moral relationship, diplomatic, cultural, religious and economical with all other members.

      All Nations are members of law and representation in Parliament should be through its judges-Arbitration-International, which should be able to ensure the defence of citizenship and peace in the world.

      Parliament will have an unlimited number of judges-and-international arbitration in the event of human rights violations, as a moral obligation to report these events to the judges of countries Parliament, not judicially resolved complaints of supreme courts, should the Office annex connected to xerox, process and send a copy to the Un tribunal in the Hague.

      Already working in collaboration with NGOs in several international crises, including the largest unlimited highlights via the United Nations, Kofi Annan, which prevented the crisis and the war in Iraq, disobeyed the President BUSCH.

      Any citizen in your community enjoys prestige and moral quality, can be a member of Parliament to watch the attacks the constitutions of democratic countries, as well as human rights.

      At each annual general meeting, we are our observers, renowned for their intellects in every social segment, behind the scenes are working together towards the ambassadors of peace and democracy THIRD SECTOR.

      Celso Neves Dias

      WPO World President.

      Founder of Parliament
    • Ambassador IHRCIM Italy
      The World Chairman of IHRCIM His Excellency Mr. Limanuksung Longkumer appoints Mr. Francesco Paolo Scarciolla del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola as Ambassador at Large for IHRCIM in Italy. We Congratulate and welcome you to the family of International Human Rights Commission for Indigenous and Minority
      Il Presidente mondiale della IHRCIM sua eccellenza il signor Limanuksung Longkumer nomina del signor Francesco Paolo Scarciolla del Gavatino di Torre Spagnola come ambasciatore at Large per IHRCIM in Italia. Abbiamo Congratulate e benvenuto alla famiglia della Commissione internazionale per i diritti umani per indigeni e delle minoranze
      IHRCIM World President His Excellency Mr. Limanuksung Longkumer appoints Mr. Francesco Paolo Scarciolla of Gavatino di Torre Spagnola as Ambassador at Large for IHRCIM in Italy. I congratulate you and welcome to the family of the International Commission on human rights for indigenous and minority
      Der Welt-Vorsitzende des IHRCIM seiner Exzellenz Herrn Limanuksung Longkumer ernennt Herrn Francesco Paolo Scarciolla of Gavatino di Torre Spagnola als Ambassador At Large unter IHRCIM in Italien . Begrüßen gratuliere und wir Sie, um die Familie des International Human Rights Commission indigene und für Minderheit
      Il Presidente Mondiale della Sua Eccellenza IHRCIM il Signor Limanuksung Longkumer
    • On 31.05.2013 ACADEMY-AIUO (International Academy of Humanitarian Works) was DISSOLVED, invites you to be wary of those who were present on behalf of the Academy · 9 de janeiro de 2003 até 31 de Maio de 2013
    • Segretary General to Coordinanting Representative in 202 Country Around the World the World Peace Committee
    • Secretary General for world peace and coordination
      • The Internations Center for Strategic Studies and Human Rights - ICSR
        2014 to date
        Consultant International Relations representative for Italy and the International Center for Strategic and Humanitarian Studies

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